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· MINIMUM RCS USAGE: TAIL ONLY, 8/4 RJD's (change DAP roll)(Brief L, F for STS-3; [[double underline]]NOT[[/double underline]] PCL procedure, [[double underline]]NOT[[/double underline]] CAP)
· OMS TEST BURN: burn at night (results in elliptical orbit, MPAD will analyze)
· get ready for sleep - gnd wants to look at config before sleep
· ALC 3: MANF 3,4,5 HTRS - primaries [[triple underline]]&[[/triple underline]] veiniers cool down ( need to either fire jets, or go PTC)
hydraulics - LG ISOL 1 not opened: got cold, leveled off at ~48 hrs

· MCIU-off test on FD2 during B/U made test to check CPU loading, & effect of ending temp monitor (on FD 6, 7) on SUSIM
· priority pwrdn for PL - trade-off for [[underline]]mission[[/underline]] redline pwrdn (PL off later, not now; or trade-off w/in PL)
· VCAP/PDP: if either breaks, carry on joint beam search anyway
· MLR - 482's are written & "approved"

· 6MEM's on maps memory? Much harder to verify; & may not work (where it would in main memory) PL 9 req'd
[[left margin]]→[[/left margin]] · SM dump - select SM as downlister
· spare GPC won't be BFS (can't check engage discrete)
· PRO key - don't leave failed key [?] in fwd keyboard (could short closed)