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•med passes in middle of day - worked well... tag with (M, Ha) & schedule just after lunch
• DFI PCM rcdr: false bites - recorder worked O.K.
  [[strikethrough]] ran out of tape [[/strikethrough]]20% tape left...RUN/STOP/RUN...lost tension... - missed flutter data on entry. (May have been recorder problem - ran out of tape early)
• MPS vac inerting: 2nd one scheduled as DTO (to check T drift on ducers) ... but would have needed it on this flight since only 2 engines dumped. [req for 2nd inciting should be based on MCC call - since crew meters may read ~0, but gnd can see residual]
• GG didn't do to well (looked like diverging)
• 35 mm: got pictures of smears on windows
•change PPO[[subscript]]2[[/subscript]] limit down to 2.7 permanently? Action to EECOM. Tight cabin, therefore no O[[subscript]]2[[/subscript]] cycle until 2nd morning
• should sleep on both speaker boxes - need ✓-out procedure on day 1. (Incompatible with wireless because of feedback)
• pre-sleep config needs work (CAP NO ORB OPS)
• PL ops book checks should be "no-go checks" - don't put unnecessary checks
• IMU 3 will be changed out: 6σ accelerometer problem on 1st night...contamination problem?