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• moving AOA entry out of the ascent C/L & put it into the entry C/L (possible since procedures have matured to the point that nominal entry now = AOA entry, & there are now only 2 post-landing procedures which are different). RTLS & CLS would stay in ascent C/L

• Dan showed a model PL ops book, which was part "cue card" & part "updates" & "pads".


• Systems Data book: reviewed by Rick & me; much of it deleted. Revised book reviewed by Crip & Dick - their revised book presented to James Webb (possibility of using revisions for STS-1).
——> may not pull pages for STS-1 (Kentron has been  pushed to get book ready in present form)

• Proposed orbit ops book & crew systems book put together (showed to Dick - take to CG)

• Dick has checked with Hutchinson - he agrees in principle with TJ's revision of ascent pkt C/L (but wants to retain documentation)