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(Cecil Jenkins - phone) RMS hardware status - being packed RMS in Ormont now - on-dock at KSC on 4/22.  Goes directly into O&C building for unpacking.

D&C subsystem : film wiring problem - flight unit will be retrofit & shipped with booms to KSC

MCIV - HW mod required to solve I/O dropout (replace a register). Flight space -> KSC, flight unit held for retrofit/ [Breadboard may go to SAIL]

RMS booms - "small ding" in one boom, no problem for delivery

EE - qual unit in green runs @ Ormont, then to MDAC, then back for qual tests flight unit - at Ormont for mods, then to DFL for ambient tests, then KSC on 5/8


KSC - 4/22
SAIL - 5/1 (HW required)
MDAC - 5/1 (HW required)