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Longer mission? Review FTO's ahead - could they be pulled up.

Add: flight techniques (prime capcom responsibility) mission rules 

(1) 16 mm CAMR in W1 took pictures of sky, not gnd on ascent

(2) wireless intercom needs pushing (Fendell will work for STS-2, probably as an FTO)

(3) tb's are more recessed than in SMS, & hard to read

(4) SMS updating in general Flash evap & APV} pitching & yawing moments

(5) LG HYD ISOL tb's couldn't be seen: get them out of ENTRY C/L

(6) O2 POS connector nearly scrubbed launch - fix it

(7) velcro not enough in the back (y, cr will go to 1-g to designate areas)

(8) launch with cassette in VTR - launch constraints? VTR CVE CARD - include dump instructions

(9) theodolite to replace PLBD ..... waste of time. (y)

KS (10) H: LD DUCT T limit needs to be changed (review all limits from flight) Gary Johnson

(11) PLBD - jerky out to ~ 90 degrees,then smooth (SMS)