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      3.Can malf associated with the WB ASC RCDR
        be deleted (malf 2.3) YES

      KS: MPAD is writing a CR to change the fact
R18    that super-G is initialized to "OFF" at each
       OPS transition ... they're changing it to remain
       in the state selected before the transition


      Mtg with (Bu,On,Ln) to go through STS-2 CAP
      to identify test to put into OIT at the Cape
OIT   (3 days currently scheduled, in OPF) VIT is asking
      for test that begins with PLBD opening,
      picks up some items in PDP, CAP, and end
      with PLBD closing. Asking for
       1. power off all 3 fuel cells
       2. circ pumps
       3. OSTA activation, RF uplink (MCDS)
       4. RMS activation (will need to pick up items from PDP)
         include PLB lights, CCTV, DAC [RCN in]
       5. DFI activation
       6. comm checks, lighting
         not for RCS FTOs, S-BAND FTO