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available (data from on-orbit). Procedure: [bypass rads for ~15-60 min. before doors closed (cool-down); close PLBD, then RAD -> FLOW for 4 min; ~1 hr after doors cl, got flow again ~4 min] this was done on STS-1...STS-2: also turn on rads -> FLOW at ~(230 K -> 190 K) chosen by lag in timeline (E+D prefers 100 K) & leave on through rollout (until RAD IN = RAD OUT)

RCS PERFORMANCE (FLT CNTL) (DTO 274). Those are to test RCS/D[[symbol follows D]] Control modes & characteristics.
-01: hold altitude on [[nose?]] jets & get prep consumption (would like 1 full orbit, to let orbital effect cancel)

-02: minimum altitude db's checked. Agreed to do these over several stateside passes (10 min is sufficient), in LVLH, & come up with criteria for termination (either success of db control, or excessive prop used)
 NOTE: may want to add a segment to test minimum rate db (.01 deg/sec)

-03:Hi Z still under review (esp. length of input) tank feed
 constraints req. yaw be placed in pulse or accel [?]

-04:pulse mode .....

-05:accel mode .... nothing magic about lengths of inputs
 (3 sec) ... only verifying the control mode, DAP, wiring, etc.

-06:tail jet option .... ? ...ask about intention of using
 Low Z & tail Y normal P

-07: .1 degree db with PRCS for 30 sec. : check sims, develop criteria for termination early

-08:Low Z (3 sec input) - don't hold order to examine pitch cross-coupling.