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[[left margin]]DECALS[[/left margin]]
panel A7 decals: 2 ideas for the camera panel (1) tape over buttons not being used (2) label cameras as [[circled]](1),(2),(3),(4)[[/circled]] or (A),(B),(C),(D) instead of FWD PORT, etc|
[[left margin]]CCTV*[[/left margin]]
proposed CCTV DTO: check the accuracy of the pan/tilt angles and the repeatibility of measurements [E, Guillory agree](and resolution)

Inputs to the CAP (based on Y, Cr debriefing)to Holmberg (with BU)

• DFI WB CAL procedure: last step, "check in DATA", is irrelevant - the switch is spring-loaded to that[[left margin]]CAP[[/left margin]] position

• cleaning the cabin fans should be in the nominal timeline [Holmberg and Lau will find a place for this, based on when CY's [[?]] performed it]

• regular period of exercise should be scheduled(see Ferguson)

• IMV align pads have 3 spaces before decimal- they only need 2.
==>STS-2 IMV align pad was changed... no longer [[left margin]]*[[/left margin]] follows spec 21 format... E: change back to STS-1(see Ferguson)

• underlines are coming out of CAP (hard to read)

• keep in the practice don/doff of suit (see Ferguson)→