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S-band FTO's (Jim Porter x4647). There is no requirement to maneuver to X-POP (the nulls of the pattern are along the nose & the tail - for passes that go directly over the station, X-POP would be better; for others (at lower max elevation angle) YPOP
is actually better....he'll run a quick study
to determine the trade-off point. 
In addition: 
(1) To determine the pattern, they need a calibrated ground station: Goldstone is the only candidate (JPL could calibrate it; Goddard probably will anyway; "probably" no others will be) NOTE: if he can get MILA/GDS simultaneously, he could possibly "normalize" MILA to GDS. GDS pass isn't important for the antenna switching FTO
(2) he'd like to use Hi-Power S-band during these passes: that allows more complete mapping of the antenna pattern (the sidelobes, refelctions, and blocked portions will be stronger, & more can be picked up)
→ probably need a note in  the CAP to talk on VHF (should lose S-band)
(3) A 2°/sec rate is not important, but the more rapid the rate, the more data he gets. (Even