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Support mtg:  
✓• UHF antenna
• ORB OPS C/L (remaining coming this wk)
✓• MDAC tests (SIR-A; UHF)
✓• 10:30 mtg (method of data logging)

• LG HYD ISOL VALVE -(FTO). RI wanted to put redundant Ntr in line...disapproved. We don't want to do FTO
• flight rules mtgs are coming
• decision made not to deloft traj for STS-2 (wanted to do it to keep out of structural limits)
• CR to deploy air probes @ M=5.... data not useful until probes "calibrated" (over several flights)
• PT1's R18 need to be in [[??C8S or C85??]] in all axes (aero PTI's)

Cb mtg
• EPDC ops. Loads 1-2 kW below estimated; FC O[[subscript]]2[[/subscript]] purity higher than spec, ∴ degradation betw FC purges not what expected. 
Should have auto FC purge for STS-2 (CR to correct logic) CR disapproved for STS-2 (could use R/W)
OF signal conditioner cb popped: internal short B pwr sply - pwr sply being changed out.
Remount O[[subscript]]2[[/subscript]] xducer (it indicated 137 psi below the pressure on 1st stage) showed low due to lack of T compensation: reads low at T-2:20, when orbiter goes on internal pwr - sees cryo.
• long touchdown 3000' [[circled]]1[[/circled]] no observed effect when gear comes down (comb. of gear & ground effect cancel?) [[circled]]2[[/circled]] ~1000' due to aero (drag of orb. ~"4 counts" diff.)
• ECLS - pinned H[[subscript]2[[/subscript]]O temp cntl valve to full hot (this bypasses logic ckt) → ↑ flow rate didn't work [[strikethrough]]happen[[/strikethrough]] work fast enough to heat cabin (STS-2 sol'n not determined yet)