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SMS: MA edge - triggered in real world - - - not in SMS

(1) RMS jettison: change procedures slightly to include timing considerations [2 sec to charge pyros, 5 sec after guillotine to allow cable motion to damp]
Jettison procedure: PDRSO will ask for SES
(2) multiple jet - on study:
horizontal arm - no problem (4" max peak-to-peak)
vertical arm - ASAD has run 3 sec THC/RHC inputs:
max excursion ~ 6" for Roll. MPAD/MDAC will run jet fail cases for this arm config.
(3) P.K. backdrive technique - use procedures time on SES. NRCC will look into using SIMFAC (evaluate B/U requirement flight rule after sims)
(4) PRCS results from STS-1: expected = predicted (~same as CSM & LM)
(5) RMS/PRCS DTO: combine RMS/RCS DTO's using 1 sec pulse (THC) [RCS FTO requires 3 sec only in accel mode]
(6) TOP-SUN before de-orbit: STS-1 results showed wing glove T ~ as predicted on top & bottom of wing glove at deorbit; entry cooling better (both top & bottom of glove ~ 100 degrees cooler than predicted) ... but stres still exists.  Flight rule: "wave-off to get 2 orbits of top-sun" will be revisited after July RI data analysis.