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(7) gg problem on STS-1 - can be explained by uncertainties in Igg etc. Proposal for STS-2: gg 1 orbit early, to update trim pts then again later, longer. 

PL constraints:
   (1) no SIR-A constraint on cold-deep space (would need to warm back up, but not permanent problem)

   (2) optical experiments: ± 30° cone that they wanted to avoid looking into the sun... (.2°/sec is ok)
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   (3) SIR-A sensitive to heat (no thermal protection on the front side 10 min at sun, panels can come undone 
(not safety problem — just performance) cone of ±70°       is bad

gg oscillations could be due to mass properties or due to aero....

Note: (1) after 1 oscillation, can re-estimate trim angle... crew could watch ADI to plot this & iterate (gnd doesn't have enough coverage not to plot curves well after 1 orbit) (2) necessary for STS-4 payload