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Kranz mtg: Gerstenmaier discussed OX line contaminant; Snyder prevented centralized FDF idea (locate all in middeck locker - eliminate removable flight deck lockers) ... easy to get to middeck in zero-g (SMS won't have that configuration); PLB floodlight problem discussed: each light draws ~ 6-7A. Pwr comes from Mn bus to MCA's, then through voltage step-up box to RPC's to lights....problem looked like arcing in voltage boxes....will be checked out @  KSC. [Note: it takes ~ 2 1/2 minutes for lights to come up to full brightness].


Flight techniques
(1) back-up failures: only 3 (non-credible) failures
[[margin]]*[[/margin]](2) REM testing: shaft broke, released IECM, during vibration testing. Found a negative structure margin to launch loads
(3) re-evaluate grapple
(4) RCS contamination of RMS: refurbishment problem - melt kapton layer(SPAR data done for continuous PRCS jet on & PRCS 6 sec pulse - re-do for STS-2 arm configs & jets fired)