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(5) loss of VRCS: gg with PRCS, free drift, accomplish PDRS
FTO’s. This gives PL’s a problem. For PL data takes, go to tail option (to save PRCS) & hold attitude +/- 1° during SIR-A, +/- 5 other times. Sleep periods gg with all RJD’s off. DTO’s: reschedule DTO’s per flight rules, protect entry redline with PTI’s, do not use Y CG OMS ballast for DTO’s
(6) Power consumption (RMS & OSTA) 
go through C/L for motor duty cycle (PDRS) from RMS activation through deactivation:

(1) NON-DTO time:
    Crew awake - TEMP MON MODE  (26.3 W)
    Crew asleep - TEMP MON MODE (26.3 +   )
                  & HEATERS-ON. (10% DTY CYCLE)
(2) during RMS DTO’s
    MPM’s: 8 half-cycles - 35 sec each
    MRL’s: 8 half-cycles - 10 sec each
    Sh brace: once - 8 sec

252-05 1. uncradle: 60 sec of single joint driving
       2. Soft stop: 1000 sec of single joint driving (40sec)
       3. 110 sec of single joint (60sec)
       4. 60 sec of single joint