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debrief of sim [MON 8:30-11:30 3014]
(1) give "why" with instructions of switches
(2) PCL procedure before malf (direct crew to PCL)
(3) TV roll shouldn't be read up in OMS 3 burn pads
✓(4) Shoulder brace rel on 1st day?
(5) freeze-dry dump procedure on teleprinter
(6) NOSL: (1) time (2) lat/lon (3) day/night F-stop, exposure (4) side of gnd
(copy into CAP) — pad for MOCR....check with Lewis
(7) SIR-A — crew should do all of data pass or none of pass.....=> use pad [talk to PL]
(8) TMBU's: T/P messages ? Keep current, if at all.
    "Standard" TMBU's ? agreement on sleep traffic?
(9) keep track of CAP, meals
(10) DAP cue card
(11) RCS max blowdown procedure
         SIMPACK: jet limits
                  optimation time
                  appropriate side to monitor
(12) mem write: (1) crank in time to absorb procedure 
                (2) teleprinter for memory write?
                (3) do over a pass
(13) variable D/L (9EE4)? 5 times

Transcription Notes:
red brackets to the right margin of (6) and (7)