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1. SY singularity: FDF PDRS C/L should have crew go to Vernier (not enough to monitor in coarse

2. DPS Dict: check explanation of S 94


Flight specific powerdowns for PL's
OSTA interface test
RADAR ELEC - ON -> noise on current monitoring circuit [on-orbit => SM Alert - I↑ ] FDA limits?

OIT - 24 hrs

AVG G for translations, leave it off the rest of the flight

[[margin]]SIR-A [[/margin]]

OSTA/ SIR-A update: problem was real, in that noise spike gets into current monitoring circuit when RADAR ELEC command is sent....but the flight SW (not LPS) has a 2 sec noise filter in the FDA - so SM alert will not occur.

[[margin]]GG [[/margin]]

GG- record roll & roll rate every 15 minutes. 2 + 45 hours of data => "qualitative" to decide whether to press for 2nd period on a later day (thrift data will be used to compute new trim point). STS-1 +-[[plus or minus]]30°, STS-2 pass criterion (+- [[plus or minus]] 5°?).

MET ________ ROLL _____ ROLL RATE ___ Off UNIV PTG Total Err