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7-26 SUNDAY 2nd shift SAIL
Ran: MF 122-127 frozen joint (each of 6 joints) inserted when pulling away from IECM grapple fixture (115C). Malfs worked - no annunciations backed off succesfully (noted malfs on SY, SP, while in EE; other 4 joints while in ORB UNL to pre-cradle). Verified malf procedure + remaining capability
MF 128-133: frozen joint 115C (each of 6 joints) inserted during approach to grapple (~2' from 6F). Successfully identified SY, SP + EP malfs before grapple; was able to grapple with malf in each of wrist joints -> continued run, releasing GF + moving toward pre-cradle in order to exercise failed joint + verify malf insertion. Verified malf procedures + remaining capability.

MF 147-153: free joint (each of 6 joints) inserted in ORB UNL, driving to pre-cradle from 0, 60, -60, 0, 0, 0. SP + EP obvious...other joints, not obvious (had to put in commands to those joints specifically). No problems or anomalies. Verified malf procedures