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MF 140 A, B, C - RHC partial hardovers while driving in ORB UNL to pre-cradle. Malf looked like unannunciated runaway - but was easy to detect in this sequence.

MF 121 A, B, C - RHC partial hardover while attempting static grapple in EE mode. Not too bad (since in Vernier)....could compensate & null out bias, but didn't attempt grapple....on static grapple this would certainly be detected, & brake applied, before attempting capture

MF 65, 66 D&C to MCIU failure. Verified malf procedures. Malf inserted during AUTO 1. 
NOTES: (1) arm stops when malf goes in (drops into IDLE) (2) P.K.'s tricky procedure (not currently published) to regain HC operation didn't work (select ORB LD, use HC....tried with every position of PARAM SEL sw)

1 verified P.K. to procedure to whiplash joints failed free (brake good) - MF 141-146 - for SP, EP, WP & WY [WP + WY involve using EE mode]

Transcription Notes:
PARAM SEL sw = Param Sel software?