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(9) narrow deadband preliminary results (need to compare these SMS numbers with predicted MPAD numbers.... RCS usage rises sharply:
(VRCS) db
       .067    19#/hr
       .05     240#/hr
       .033    390#/hr (Not including forward)
not only prop problems: GNC problems possible (may have seen excursions of several degrees)
Follow up on this, & get RCS usage per DTO.
(10) next sim: (a) RMS MPM/MRL info (b) times for each step

FDF notes from sim
(1) get RMS procedure for backing off the grapple fixture in Direct & Backup
(2) CAP/RMS C/L: make sure CAP doesn't lock crew in too rigidly during RMS
(3) CCTV malf section of PDRS? Coordinate with INCO
(4) check on activation/deactivation cue card for exp & pallet... and under what conditions should they be powered down? [e.g. FILE powerdown ruins data, & resets the counters]
(5) FDF change to enable [[inert?]] gauging during FTO's
(6) problem with repressing RCS tank? [not understood]
(7) check malf 10.4 (TX ISOL VLV 1/2 failed.... malf didn't get there)

Transcription Notes:
malf = malfunction