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Jim Tuck (333-6409): Gravity gradient test.
On ST3-1, they plotted LVLH roll angle so time based on thrift data AD1 read-outs. ST3-2: they could plot (1) LVLH angle or (2) "total ERR" angle.
Pros/cons: (1) total error involves a quaternion transformation + is good enough for small excursion, but not for large excursions (gnd has to do some correcting; crew's plot would not be really correct: (2) total error is easy to read, + to correlate with an MET (read it off the SPEC)
(3)ADI angles (LVLH) are precisely what they accurately can the ADI be read (they need ~±1°) + how much of a hassle is it to get data that way? [then plot LVLH roll vs time]
-> also: they want initial rates recorded also (rates when free drift is entered/MET)