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ENTRY TEAM (entry shift)
• PLBD inconvenient without CRT4, but no big deal
• Tail Sun - got FES trip off
• Theodolite measurements deleted
• need PIREPS on WX, winds, etc
[[left margin]] EXCHANGE CREW [[/left margin]]
• post-landing - mid-deck switches by exchange crew?
• "delay de-orbit" flight rule revisit
OEX rcdr broken belt drive
ACIP failure during VRCS heater test - 
ascent data good, some of orbit data (VRCS htr)
• small hyd lk in sys 1? air bubble? check @ KSC
• FES quit ~ 100K (then rads kicked in)
POST-LANDING [[boxed]]
• ATVC's blown? (c/L needs revision)
• hatch open in 26 min

IECM battery died?

[[double parentheses around all numbers]]
12/1 1400-1800   
12/3 0800-1130
[[/double parentheses around all numbers]]