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* pwr req'd: 2.2 KW during spin-up 1.25 KW while spinning .3 KW post-deploy (heaters)

* heaters - 2 sets of thermostats.. 69-83° [[sixty-nine to eighty-three degrees]] pre-dpy 0-40° [[zero to fourty degrees]] post-dpy
(cradle ht[[?]])
- elements installed on cradle panels

* no DAC on -099 (including hardpoints, wiring) [probably not required]
* no strain gauges on RMS (or wires, PCM, for orbiter) [try for these]
* VTR may or may not be manifested [required]
* loaded arm FTO's (4000# [[four thousand pounds]])?
* MOSEL sponsoring     1. prox ops DTO 2. radar DTO (?) [DTO801] 
* 503 PL release
  504 plume
  801 radar
  802 prox ops <- PRCB last wk-approved as printed 
  } FTO's scheduled now (in OTR)
* Draper : large space structure FTO ? (SW change req'd)
* PL berthing : Jeri Brown is sponsor
* 801: descoped (NAV tgling not available - on -7 test manual radar only)
(801 being splint into 3 smaller DTO's)
* adding DTO 506 - PL handling
* Plume impingement DTO drives requirement for DAC
-> * PLB cameras? New cameras?