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IFM Contingency Procedures (RMS) - Used sail 5B to verify procedures for shoulder brace release of contengry PWR-Up. 

1. Shoulder brace release is easy, once cables are made. Mark Ferring will check on procedure validity (RMS cb are presently cl)

2. Contigency PWR-UP is not easy, but is possible pulling only A7L....would be easier if A7 DAC PNL could be pulled also....Even better would be A8L.

Note: Utility PWR Outlets are powerd by CB's on L4 (AC) of 0 14,15,16 (DC)

18 May


SST: Instrumentation

OI MDM Data goes through PCMMV

OPS RCDRS are controlled by ground . . . they set a bit in MDM which is essentially a PNL/CMD, that is controlled by RTC (no PNL/CMD switch). If crew wants to control RCDRS, either GND or crew has to send. RTC to reset bit (to activate PNL CNTLs) 

Same is true of PL RCDR. . . nominally CNTLD by GND, RTC required to switch to/from PNL CONTL. 

PL RCDR: when crew has CNTL ("PNL" is active) "mode select" position of the function switch allows modes to be selected (by mode switch) without messing up tape [then going to "operate" activates that function]