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19 May
- TJ about HP41C program update .... Including TDRS should be easy, but doesn't fit into same type of code as AOS/LOS -  probably will have to use extended memory function and pull in the P6M results. 

- TDRS Coverage: 
Tie to longitude of orbiter (alt of orbit is negligible...)
therefore coverage over ~160° of longitude 45% of orbit (~40minutes)

25 May 
Crew Equipment (EL)
- Kneeboards authorized (Same as Black T-38 Kneeboards) 
-Utility lights approved (Hook into DC Utility outlet - can be plugged in anywhere)

28 May
Start List of Required "CUE CARDS"
1) RTLS Flight rules
2) BFS Engage Flight Rules
3) Deorbit Flight Rules

APCL & EPCL : New book managers - Dennis Bently (ascent)
                                - Mason Lancaster (entry) 
Get cue cards into front 
(Philosophy : Cue cards through 104 -> APCL      EPCL ->cue cards at 304)