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1 June
Meeting with Stough, Gauthier, Johnson (w/ Fabian, Thagard) on SPAS displays.
① Reduce # of acronyms (esp PL's & parameters)
② Set up telecon w/ MBB to ask s/w questions (& relation to FDA)
③ MTG on 14 June to draw up CR … to be submitted in July... which will baseline displays

• PSP has a known HW problem, which will be fixed in SW in REL 20, that will [[underline]]probably[[/underline]] only affect flights carrying multiple PL's in bay
• PSP ENA item commands PSP into idle format (& ∴ able to accept next CMD). Necessary before 1st cmd, probably not again, but may be included procedurally before each cmd
• Load XXXX/XXXX is feedback betw GPC & PSP (CMD was sent by GPC & received by PSP... Doesn't say anything about PL's reception of CMD)
• On initial pwr-up, SPAS comes up in "Detached" mode
• Data comes to GPC's through the PDI (M's when no I/O)
• MOMS Plan: While crew is awake, they'll CMD data takes
Spec Interface Techniques:
① Drive asterisk if get feedback from SPAS
② Use "Indexing" if no feedback (if no feedback, can't drive display)
...problem:① Only tells you what CMD was sent
② Doesn't blank
③Items can't toggle

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