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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

• If SPAS "loses lock" (in detached mode) with PL inter., SPAS goes into attitude hold for 5 min, then goes into free drift.

Rcvr on SPAS is "always on", XMIT can be commanded on (& will turn itself off if lock is lost.... back on if lock is regained)

→ Stough & Gauthier will talk to MBB Friday to get
answers to several questions, to get us ready for
23 June telecon with MBB

[[Left margin]]Ku[[/left margin]]

Ku-band interference with PL's: neither PAM PL (Anik or Palapa) will tolerate Ku radiation while in the bay.... One will accept radiation when > 300ft, the other after 1000' ∴ Ku-band probably won't be activated (& ∴ deployed?) until after 2nd deploy
[another reason to keep teleprinter on-board]

- What buses power MS/OS/PS Audio stations?
[[pointing to MS on line above]]↑MnA

Transcription Notes:
Looks good! Just a very few very minor revisions.