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June 16-Stevenson, Scully-Powers

STS-4 update: 5 experiments planned for Earth obs

1. “Wet haze cumulus” - Look from low oblique to vertical, & assess ability to view/photograph objects through haze & around clouds (Indonesia)
2.”Dust/Aerosol” - Same as (1), except through dust (blowing off Sahara, into cloud/haze over Canary Is.)
3. Variability of wakes & eddies behind islands - would use Hawaii & Canaries... very few opportunities (may cnx[[?]])
4. Bioluminsence - (Arabian Sea is during sleep... ∴ use Indonesia)
5. Moon glitter (!)

June 17-

*Osta-2 contacts: Clark Owen (MSFC) FTS: 872-2477 (BLDG 4201 or 4202)
Charlie Sprinkle
Bob McAnnally FTS: 872-2610
Some HW available. Talk PIP annex, crew annex

To Do
— Crip: Patch, CYYZ
— San Diego Trip

Transcription Notes:
Fixed a number of minor typos from the previous version. In case it's useful/important to note, the two dashes preceding her to-do list items at the bottom each have a checkmark superimposed over the dash.