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HW/SW review
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• L10 & L11: leave panels in (KSC turnaround) - checking w/ DOD, & look at wiring
• SSP marking changes (location of labels)
• Machell (text & graphics)
• RMS EVA grapple fixture - board proceeding
• PLBD contingency: C/L latches
aft bulkhead latches
[[sidenote]] }not accessible[[/sidenote]]
• Note: thermal environment may exceed SPAS operational limits (SPAS charging pwr profile)
• PLB lights/heating? (aft lights usable?) [prelim: #5&6 off]
• # of gas cans depends on orb wt/CG (up to 6 or 7)
(# & location TBD)
• VTR not currently in doc. -PCIN in work
• RF: FM xmtr 
      PM xmtr
[[sidenote]] }threat to SPAS/orbital link (PI)[[/sidenote]]
- FM: TV or at >1Mbit/sec, spectrum spills over
to PI. Solution: use bottom antenna (lower HEMI)
[mandatory at dist > 600' -> verified in lab]
- S-band: need to use high-freq. (problem goes
away - but is bad with low freq)
- TACAN when SPAS w/in 20 meters not good
- PAM spin: conducted I emission over spec.
(o.k. - go with waiver) - find report later

Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to format the bracket notes