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• passive thermal - blanket? Beta cloth (white) covering
all panels (what will spacecraft look like?)
• KSC checkout of RF link betw. PI & SPAS
Payload changeout
room blocks antenna
∴ RF check done by cabling
smaller antenna to PI

• mission rules: RF lock in bay / on arm.... what
do we require for PL release
• XPNDR fail: single pt cmd failure - SW will
stabilize itself, then go into low pwr in 10 min
(have 10 min to get it)
? what attitude does it stabilize at? ("null", or does it null rates wherever it is?)
• ~1/2 of N2 req'd for nominal mission
- how much does plume impingement affect that?
-N2 qty vs time (mission redline) in FDF
-mission rules req'd on N2 qty
- Use battery A run-down as indication of when
to go home (still full [[strikethrough]] -up [/strikethrough]] on battery B) N6
• Temps: SPAS is very slow reacting thermally - thermal model is good - read temps off other sensor
• overheating: mnvr orbiter if req'd?
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