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From MBB →
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• Validation of SES SPAS model (ACS) (& MBB plume model)
• HP9845 model?
• SMS model of SPAS ACS?
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• mnvr cmds: can cmds be sent simo ? How does
logic/inhibit work ("stop" req'd? zero rate req'd?)
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• @ 35' point in plume, induce 8° per sec rotation
(allow 35' point, & that rot?)
•RI makes SPAS umbilical - need test to verify sep @ KSC /(already scheduled)


Procedures/CAP Review
• SPAS check-out on 2nd day (not 1st) is good
• Solar cell split into 2 15 min periods (to avoid violating "30 min" constraint - NASA's promise not to point PL's at sun for longer than that)
• MOMS req's -ZLV nose fwd [reschedule yaw mnvr(YESP) &/or IMU alignment] reschedule
targets selected: back-up tgts no crew sleep
~6 data takes (available time on rcdr)
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OMS burn req'd? (for MOMS to circularize)
- set up "paper sim" via telex/telecon with PI's
- see SPAS umbilical qual tests at RI?
• yaw mnvr - .02° per sec in steps ? what if VRCS are lost?
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