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30 July
Shopping List of Earth obs
→ 1. Bioluminescence (check day/night cycle)
2. spiral eddies (sun's glint)
3. current boundaries (color contrast & cloud streets )
4. V-Brand waves (internal waves & solitons)
5. wakes of ships (≤ 38°?)
6. fronts & internal waves 
7. Dust over Cape Verdes/moisture over Indonesia (spring = [[underlined]]beginning[[/underlined]] of summer monsoon)
8. polarizing filter (maximize features by rotating)
9. CCTV - hold camera angle constant (& watch glitter move)
ICOAS ([[?]]?)
swell => "courdoroy sea" - any [[double underlined]]wave[[/double underlined]] structure visible from orbit is internal
"normal" int waves - λ  ≳ to 1 mi

"[[?]] Andaman sea waves - ~40 mi
[[image]] warm thermocline cold thermal front 

Thermal front-color diff at boundary, but strong currents may be associated- + shears would be displaced 

Benard cells [[unequal sign]] eddies...of indicate 
evenly heated ocean
(no ocean activity)=> + low wind
closed over Benard cells => T [[?]]