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1. Charlie Walker putting together a "picture book" describing/showing various fluid dynamics effects ("puffing", "pluming", "fallback", etc). Also putting together "flip-book" of light configuration
2. time-to-go clock is always visible, & always counts down to next operator action
3. picture should be taken when the "PHOTO" cue is replaced [replace "PHOTO" by "PHOTO 1, etc?]
4. anytime the system is powered on, the 1st run will be taken through the zero voltage check (it assumes you want a reference)
5. Include schematic or references which show what the display parameters (& their limits) are. 
e.g.: FLO 1 = carrier flow rate (units)
2&3 = electrode flow
4 = orbiter H2O flow

T12 = carrier buffer T

(1) keep refrig door closed, if possible
(2) always close trap doors