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ΔP1 & ΔP4 should nominally be about the same,
so should ΔP2 & ΔP3, and all should be ≈ zero, since there is a control loop which varies RPM 3 (flow through anode) to maintain ΔP's ~ zero.
[note: RPM 3 allowable range is based on RPM 2 set point, ∴ changing RPM 2 (by mem write)
will change available range of RPM 3.
- STS-7 change: the PH of the buffer will be different
(~6 instead of ~8.2) to demonstrate controllability
of migration
[[diagram]]albumin mix/same mix[[/diagram]]
Control so that "A" part of mix is deflected very little, but Δ between them is increased (by ~50%)