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Earthlooking views for Project Management and Press Conference in the order they will appear.

S07-19-875 Hawaiian Islands with their ocean wakes. Left to right, Oahu and Pearl Harbor, Molokai, Lanoi, Maui

S07-22-1141 Hawaii Island, Kona coast to left, Mauna Kea is the brownish area to the right center. Mauna Loa is at bottom center. The active Kilauea crater is under clouds at the lower right edge.

S07-05-233 Brazil, Mouth of the Rio Sao Francisco in the northeast. Strong coastal currents keep a delta from building.

S07-03-0058 Island of Madagascar. The colorful area is the mouth of the Betsiboka River at the city of Majunga. 

S07-19-904 The atolls of the Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean to the south of India, stand out clearly. They can now be accurately positioned and mapped.

S07-05-245 A most oustanding view of internal waves in the South China Sea. Seen are several different series of internal waves. The land area in the lower left is part of the large island of Hainan, China.

S07-05-257 Taken in very early morning, with a large amount of windblown dust, we see the upper end of the Persian Gulf and the mouth of the Tigris-Euphrates River system. Saudi Arabia in the fore, Iran in the back and Iraq at left center. At upper center, we see the out-of-control oil wells poring [[pouring]] millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf. Several oil well associated fires can be seen at upper right.

Richard W. Underwood