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[[left margin]]KS[[/left margin]]
✓- 1 pm WED mtg in bldg 15 (LFC "tour")
(also: scheduling PCS mtg/briefing)

• Jeri Brown drawings... iteration #1. Do next set with no ERBS in bay, try to lower arm to see vlvs. Check elbow camera (arm stowed)to see detail of vlvs with full zoom (narrow angle lens?); try a symmetric view from right shoulder (instead of arm coming in from STBD side)

21 NOV

✓- Crip: STS-17 entry ldg site plans. Nominal EOM = EDW, no wave-off opportunity (1 opp per day)... KSC is available the rev before EDW.

22 NOV

• TAGS not available for SL... if not available for -17, get it off, & use space for tape stowage
LFC info (STS-14 PIP briefing, bldg 15)
• stellar cameras take picture each time camera does
• "door" covering lens can be opened "manually", but nominal way is just to send "OPERATE", (which 1st check to see if door is open)


Transcription Notes:
She uses the symbol for angle in the middle of the first major paragraph, I wasn't quite sure how to transcribe it, so I just did <). Additionally, I wasn't sure how to transcribe the check marks, so I just did the - that are visible underneath them.