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- during POWG (12/12-14) find out what are the real orbiter and ERBS pointing requirements & constraints.
•"quiet zone" is centered at ~-1005 in the bay


• FRD comments passed on to Bates (to be baselined at 12/9 MICB - 9 a.m. 1/720
• Tony (MBB 1/759 9 a.m 9/12)... use MASS SPEC pgm ID to determine alt setting for MOMS? Talk to Gauthier


• bunks will be taken out of Columbia before STS 416, & not re-installed
• soft-stowage locations are being investigated for MOMS & SIR-B tapes... check into the TAGS volume (bring up at MICB)


• POR for ERBS: [[diagram]] and centered in X^ (not over the keel. keel's forward)
• FOP 2 arm is scheduled for Columbia - those joint biases will be included in level C data
• SPARX has no grapple fixture (as of now)