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• deploy attitude no good because of TDRS coverage & sun on undeployed solar panels (want to check out power system). Check into possibility of r[[line above]] sep...
• info on TDRS coverage: on STS-9, the 1st 8 min of each pass & last 2 min of each pass were lost (problems requiring uplink)
- • try to get early 41A switches into PLBD sequence: call Ball to understand their TM requirements at that time (do they require the format before we throw the switches? Does the orbiter require format 103 during that stage)

21 DEC

MPAD results of ERBS DPY RMS attitude: all performed with keel up (i.e. orbiter +ZLV):
grapple fixture "forward" "aft"} both O.K, small Z^ range 
eventual problem w/ WP                 
PORT - no good
STBD - "best" in that largest Z^ range avail
look at tail/nose fwd +ZLV, with r[[line above]] sep