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The test conditions such as arm configuration, arm command, payload grappling, etc. were derived from the set of simulation validation runs which had been used to compare the results of all SRMS simulations prior to SRMS flights. The flight data is processed to provide engineering data for the SRMS (e.g., natural frequencies, gearbox stiffness, joint rate performance, etc.), as well as a reference for simulation model validation. In this group of tests, the SRMS is driven in all (except Backup) operating modes with carefully planned excitations from the Orbiter RCS.

In Direct Drive, Single Drive and Manual Augmented mode tests the arm is placed in one of the three pre-selected initial configurations with different payloads and then is commanded to move in different directions for a pre-selected length of time.Then the arm is brought to rest either by braking, command removal or "safing". The results of these tests are used to verify the stopping distance, the end effector rate limiting, end effector rate accuracies, etc. In addition, the test results are compared with simulation results for model validation purposes.

In Automatic mode tests, the arm is placed in various initial configurations and is then commanded to move to various final positions and orientations. The corresponding flight data permits the validation of the auto mode software, the positioning accuracy, and a study of the actual trajectories in comparison with the commanded one. In the case of PRCS tests, the arm is placed in various configurations with and without payloads attached and its configuration is maintained via position hold, or safing, or braking commands. Selected Orbiter RCS thrusters[[?]] are then fired for a predetermined length of time to excite the arm dynamics.

In addition to the above tests, a series of thermal tests are also conducted on orbit to evaluate the SRMS thermal control system. It is to be noted that all elements of the SRMS are to be maintained within operating temperature limits using insulating blankets, radiation surfaces and actively thermostatically controlled heaters. Basically, the SRMS thermal tests consist of a cold case evaluation where the Orbiter is manoeuvred [[maneuvered]] belly to Sun thereby placing the arm in a cold environment, and a hot soak test in which the orbiter is manoeuvred [[maneuvered]] top to Sun, thus exposing the SRMS to a hot environment. The "cold" test is designed to study the performance of the SRMS heaters; the arm is not powered during the test to keep the arm temperature as low as possible. During the 
"hot" test, the arm is manoeuvred [[maneuvered]] continuously for 120 minutes; the heat generated by the arm electronics then maximizes the arm temperature.

Transcription Notes:
I was not sure about that words that seemed to be spelled incorrectly or missed used such as the words Thrusters, safing,accuracies, effector,excitations but other than that I think the document looks fine.