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4th RUN:
"1c": no windows, and no aft cameras

only one scene was available: the
forward port camera. It was entirely
adequate for maneuvering into
position, setting up for cradling, &
dropping the arm into the FWD MPM &
MID MPM. There was absolutely no [[underlined]] 
visual information on the AFT MPM.
1. relied on digitals to get into
position (monitored for collisions
with camera)
2. relied on digitals to get (0, 10, -5, 0, 0, 5)
3. relied only on markings/CCTV to
get 1st 2 ready to latch indications
4. had only [[underlined]] digitals & talkbacks to
monitor last approach. This
worked.... but assumed that digitals
are reliable - its' done totally
in the blind in y-hat... talkback is
adequate z-hat cue. NOTE: we have an

Transcription Notes:
Not sure how to format y- and z-hat symbols