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1. Manual Augmented Drive mode is the preferred mode to 
   be used to move a payload out of the bay.

2. With payload in close proximity to Orbiter, loaded 
   vernier rates will be used.

3. Consistency check ,soft stop, and encoder check 
   should be enabled when in the 'vernier rate' and a 
   payload is captured.

4. Operations will be terminated if arm components 
   exceed redline temperature limits.

5. Backup power is to be used only in a checkout or 
   contingency condition.

6. The MPM and the MRL latches will never be cycled 
   while the arm is uncradled. During pre-berthing, the 
   PRLs will not be cycled.

7. The RCS constraints related to RMS activities are: [[note]] (consistent w/R.

The following table lists the restrictions on the PRCS and VRCS systems during RMS operations:

[[4 column table]]

[[PW = Payload Weight]]

RMS | PW 0 lb. | PW <32000 lb.> | PW >32000 lb
Being Maneuvered | 1 | 1 | 1
Stationary | 2 | 3 | 1
SINGULARITY or REACH LIMIT zone | 1 | 4 | 4

1. No PRCS firings.
2. No high-thrust-level pitch or +Z translation
3. Only single minimum-rate-increment PRCS commands are allowed. The interval between firings is to be of the order of 100 seconds which is sufficiently long to allow RMS motion to settle.
4. No VRCS or PRCS firings.

Transcription Notes:
Notes not transcribed