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SE3 tour - 2 cockpits, forward & alt. Super visuals.
Schedule now: PDRS sim to start ~ 5/1 (prox ops ~ 4/1). Ideas passed on to Legendre.

• make CCTV monitors black & white, keep windows color

• put in DAC controls (low fidelity OK)

• port CRT (starboard exists - they may be able to add another)

• brake lever-lock switch to toggle switch (for some data)

• simultaneous digitals (he has an extra meter - will try to display attitude & position), (tran & rot velocities) simultaneously & provide an extra position of select switch which gives all 6 joint angles 

• heel camera option

• coarse/vernier decals on RHC

• have EE rate limits & vernier joint rate limit easily adjustable

software will be Oct Draper FSSR & selected approved CR's. Jay wants a meeting to select those CR's.

visual: currently only 2 views are available simultaneously. They're shooting for 4 & split-screen capability.