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- [[checkmark]] DAC question to Aikenhead (Thursday morning)

- [[checkmark]] PLAID FUR for DAC field-of-view (around IECM ? etc.)

. going to back-up, CRT is blanked (suspend entry req.)

. going to direct - data is calculated with PDR as it was just before entry to direct

2/20 OMS SMS verification (pre-brief for 2/22)

(1) "Prop 2" - 2 engines from 1 pod (1 run)
standard ascent checklist (MET + 28:00)
standard OMS 2 with exception of 08 LR OMS x feed (4) 
R OMS TK 1506 (2)

(2) "Prop 6" - OMS 2 burn (leak … burn to completion)
(a) SMS people will deplete fuel
(b) "                      " oxidizer
we do normal OMS 2 burn, flames out 1 engine, proceed on other

(3) blowdown - OMS 2 burn to blowdown ("prop 4") 
(2 engine, 1 in blowdown) (1 run)

(4) OMS engine failures - OMS 2 burns ("PROP 8") 
(3 runs) 3 different failures
(1) GN2 depletion 
(2) valve breaks (ball valve) (fails closed)
(3) ? 
[[margin with arrows to points (1) and (2) just above]] leak downstream of regulator