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Malcolm Hinds (in Houston) - trying to "sell" Simfac 
time: (1) operator fam? (2) procedure development? 
FOD doesn't "buy" time. Simfac not useful for training, or detailed procedure development. 
It's advantage: it's dedicated RMS. Useful to payloads, & as engineering sim. 

• FOD will consider supporting sims (by SAMSD, payload community, etc) 

• will help in development of test plans, & complete pilots' reports

• SPAR intending another Users conference later this year. 

FOD (+mPAD) operating constraints meeting 
(review constraint/guidelines in R 849 at 409E) 

1. RCS/DAP constraints - determine if we believe constraint & can live with them 

- [[checkmark]] set up mtg with Mosel, Kain, & DAP guy to define nominal DAP configuration of requirements during each RMS phase. 

[[left margin]] Doetsch [[/left margine]]
- [[checkmark]] call Doetoch: (1) as "loaded area" only >32K (this was rumored at W6 mtg). Are there