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(4) final approach: low Z mode

pulse mode - all fire together, length of
firing is determinable: 8 msec is minimum

(5) contingency? go back to orbiter PLT ... he's
got DAP set up in previous configuration

(6) .1 ft/sec: (to build up relative rate...)
normal .4 ft/sec  (~5 or 6 jets)

     high ~ 1.3x that
     low  ~ 1/9x normal

(7) "free" - attitude changes
             .1 per second drift from RCS (worst case)
             grav gradient
             angular momentum

(8)  +- Y,R,P pulse mode [fixed # of jets known length of firings
-IECM DAP requirements?

(9) no VRCS contamination problems
(10) VRCS "walk" in Z
(11) use VRCS any time (for gas)    248A Pat Curtin

Transcription Notes:
Could not make caret symbol over Z on first line and line section 10 Could not make upper 2 in .4ft/sec(squared) in line 6 Needs degree sign for .1 degree per second...under line 7