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JR [[check mark]] call Graham as [[delta]]45
[[check mark]] xerox: (1) prelim OMRSD (2) FTD (3) common validation runs
[[check mark]] at PDRSO, find out (1) EE audit (2) [[delta]]45 telecon
JR[[check mark]] call Ed Smith (pre TK)
[[check mark]] get crew input to (1) "man-machine interface" + questionaire on FTD. (2)division of labor on FTD's.
HC unit 1 + CCB pre-brief: Canada presented their charts on HC unit 1 + MCIU proposal. 
[[check mark]] make FOD charts for COB

[[check]] JMF * NRCC refused waiver to use Simfac this week (it may be off) [o.k .... it's on]
*EE review? not scheduled
*MML + D/L to be out to the world this afternoon
*Stan Weiss = new "structures" person (E+D)
[[check]] JMF *Wednesday: (post-CCB) to review 45 data
* 0900 Thurs Flt Test Panel (DFI/01)
[[check]] * 1300 Thurs TSR (1/720)