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SPIDPO- mtg of Bostick, McCullough, Mosich, CF, CG... 
(to express concern over operational capability of aim... studies need to be done, etc... & get SPIDPO interest)
[[bullet point]] Bostick will look into forming a w.g. to look into crit [[?]] 2's (like malf w.g.)... reps from E&D, SPIDPO, FOD of MP (will get back to us)
[[bullet point]] Bostick may organize a Prox Ops review (per Mosich's pleas)
[[bullet point]] EVA for RMS recovery? Subject was brought up, needs to be addressed philosophically
[[bullet point]] 35 single pt failure in EE. flagged as "matter of concern" to AF
[[bullet point]] SPIDPO may help w/ access to SES, MDF
[[strikethrough]]√[[/strikethrough]] Hauch : document rationale behind procedures (specifically, SSR's)... training & understanding