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[[preceding checkmark]] 1. MPM marks - on thermal blankets (rubberized paint works) SPAR's half?
[[preceding checkmark]] 2. guide markings 28k? West called RI
~1 more week for negotiations
[[preceding checkmark]] 3. slide wire |\./--\/---\/---\./| [[diagram]]
slide-wire attaches at shoulder & aft 
MPM's only - tension on wire (touches other MPM) attached to upper pedestal
stand-offs on port side?
(concept not approved)
RON --> Jim Buchli? slide wire background 
[[preceding checkmark]] 4. entry w/ 1 MRL not working - no investigation
planned now. -> MP
door latches EVA 
(Jamie Erickson @ RI)
[[preceding checkmark]] 5. MPM/MRL test official: 5/1 (qual MPM's)
realistic:>6/1 (+ vibration tests 
review @ Ball Bros (mid-April) --> [EM arm [[following listed underneath with above bracket extended to include following:]] +arm segment [[arrow pointing from "arm segment" down to "need entire arm"]]
launch, ascent, entry loads (vibr. tests)
1 [[number circled]] shoulder brace? Data 
2 [[number circled]] latch on entry? needs entire arm
12:30 Monday -  Jettison mtg (4/7)
Blu [[?]] release ✓ bus -> sw -> shoulder < fuse BDA 
PL [[line above]] rel [[?]] - sw
+ back to to DnC [[?]]
+back to to D +C

Transcription Notes:
* attempted to recreate sketch of slide wire * EVA, RON underlined twice