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for 131 telecon
[6 column table]
        |Ɣ₂|  |Ɣ₃| |Ɣ₄|  |Ɣ₅|  |Ɣ₆|  |Ɣ₇|

Flight  4.32  24.95 43.3 50.69 70.07 77.24
[?]MDF  5.4   26.0   -   22.75 84.8  0
new MDF 5.5   30.5  57.7 27.2  64.5  0
(with 20° slant)

flight cameras: end of [sumoner?]...MP will ask MG for the cameras during a particular run (1 night run with lightweight runs)

RCS/DAP memo (PRCS failed on; DAP summary)
A14 panel
call MG
call Liz Baines
Bob Kain briefing: ①El ② SAIL guys
•Bill Ritz (NASA)/ Alex Coutiet (RI)/ Pat Curtin (16/248A) power-on 4/9 (3rd shift) simulation 3rd shift on 4/10
•SMS approved STS-3 visual (Dave Brooks through Kain)

①Δ95 problem? [common valid runs]- ASAD 
[comparison run ASAD/[sisfac?]]
HC inputs not limited by component 
② ACF software
③ review "nominal parameters"