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5/9 - SAIL 2nd shift

Performing rotations - orb unl. coarse rates, travel tests and rate hold
(-783, +12, -600; +0.5, 280, 90.3) and biasing

1 during +R, rotation rate rose to 4.80 (after
biasing was released, rate hold on)

2 during -y tests, when yaw hits 270, P and R jump
by 180 each, or 90 each (both were observed)

3 WP hit hardstop (during +R test), encoder had failed,
arm continued to move (rotation and translation ...)
[probably as expected]
ORB LD rotations : (veinier)

4 anomoly: rotations about any axis produce translation!
rotation P of .45°/sec => translation in x^ and z^ of ~ .05
y of .45°/sec => translation in x^ and z^ of ~.09

This anomaly may be a show - stopper -
see Le notes on remainder of runs

✓ notes to TSS : 1 revised SAIL
2 MDF training

✓ note to JMF (1 "see WBL" and 2 schedule is revised next wk)
3 traffic over LDB?

✓ call Legendre

✓ note to Kranz

✓ note to Mn

✓ jettison panel