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RPAT "constraints" review
(1) "tons" not yet issued - CAT 1
(2) "ton" format documentation required - (could be waived)
(3) TCP
(4) TPS (not yet out)
(5) post-test data processing techniques need to be demonstrated
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Call Ann Austin [[with arrow pointing to six lines down "Flt Cont..."]]
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(6) The x^ & z^ inverted?
    (They appear different on D/L than on D&C)
    [IBM verified D/L is "correct"- x^ & z^ inverted; 
    PDSRO doesn't care for data...they'll be
    taken care of during data processing].
    Flt Cont doesn't look at THC commands [yet]
    (data analyzers do)

--> I/O anomaly: when I/O "drops out", GPC 
    still polls MCIU (doesn't go to suspend)-
    after spec 94 1st comes up, can't
    "really" cut off I/O. [IBM is troubleshooting]

RPAT testing (5/12): new anomalies (JMF)
1. Single/direct loaded: readout on
   digitals is always with respect to POR, 
   as long as PL ID is ≠ 0. (i.e. just
   typing in a PL ID changes position & attitude
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written as anomaly [[arrow pointing to para. 1. above]]
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2. singularity light came on w/ arm over bay (not
   in singularity)
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not written up [[arrow pointing to 2. above]]
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